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creating my life by design


How do I put into words the IMPACT being a coach has made on my life?

The timing was ALL WRONG.
My "network" was NON-EXISTENT.
I brought little skill or qualification to the table.

But one thing was for CERTAIN... My WHY for making it WORK was ROCK SOLID.

This little girl INSPIRED me to look PAST my lack of qualifications and instead look at who I could actively BECOME in order to become the kind of LEADER someone would want to follow!

The interesting thing about this business is that it puts you face to face with the one thing that has been getting in your way and holding you back for your entire life... YOU!

It starts from the moment you press play on your first workout and comes up against your current physical and mental limitations, forcing you to decide to either give up or keep pushing through to grow and become stronger... and that continues to follow you as you bravely share on social media, have conversations with others wanting to start their journey and as you begin to share openly about the ideal future you are working to create. 

No doubt, being a successful leader STARTS with you first learning to LEAD YOURSELF WELL and do hard things, knowing it's those things that will give you the ability to coach others to do the same!

I began my journey as a coach at 22 years old, new mom trying to juggle the pull of "mom guilt" that came with working in a restaurant.
Should I stay at home? Should I go to work?
I was feeling guilty either way. 
Today I am ranked in the top 1% of the network and live completely debt-free, having opportunities to travel, both planned and at random, to bless others the way that I have been blessed... but one of the GREATEST ways I have been able to do that is by BEING the MENTOR that other women need.

The greatest joy in my business is taking someone from a new coach with BIG DREAMS to someone who is confidently leading a team, earning income for her family to experience a greater sense of freedom & actively giving that GIFT to others as they reclaim their health & realize what they are capable of when they face their fears and step boldly into their given potential!

If you are someone who is READY to take that step & would like to be considered for my next Top Coach Mentorship, complete the application at the bottom of this page & let's chat!

Who knows, this could be your vehicle to both make a difference & create your life BY DESIGN!



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